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Михаил/Mihail Владимирович/Vladimirovich Рогозин/Rogozin


The program is designed for industrial breeding varieties integration of the three research areas: selection, modeling the course of growth, the study of the chemical composition of the needles. A review of previous work of the author, including 525 test results in dense spruce progeny and rare test cultures, identifying 107 contrasting the type of family growth. These families been studied the content of 12 chemical elements (CE) in the needles. It has been found that the competitive family or photophilic family is determined (marked) concentration of chemical elements therein. In view of these data, and on the basis of relations between the features and conditions of formation of the mothers and the growth of their progeny, developed a breeding program of the Finnish spruce. It includes the selection of plus trees in stands of-analogues of plantation crops, i.e. exactly in the same conditions in which progeny will grow. This measure increases the average height of the progeny to 9.6% and the best families frequency 6 times. Then at the age of 4-8 years are tested family from 1 thousand trees and selected candidates ~70 grade. The proposed program, taking into account innovative approaches described in 4-5 times and reduces costs by 3 times - deadlines bred varieties. Expert assessment of the cost of the the program for 10 years, is estimated at 40-45 mln. rubles for one forest seed region.

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How to Cite
Рогозин/Rogozin М. В. (2018). BREEDING INDUSTRIAL CULTIVARS FINNISH SPRUCE USING CHEMICAL MARKERS. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (3), 210–221. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Михаил/Mihail Владимирович/Vladimirovich Рогозин/Rogozin, Perm State University; Natural Sciences Institute of Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor of the Department of botany and genetic of plants;Leading researcher, head of the laboratory of forest ecology


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