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Яна/Yana Викторовна/Viktorovna Пришнивская/Prishnivskaya
Виталий/Vitaliy Павлович/Pavlovich Красильников/Krasilnikov
Светлана/Svetlana Витальевна/Vitalievna Боронникова/Boronnikova


A molecular genetic analysis and identification of the four populations of Pinus sylvestris L., located in the Komi Republic and Kirov region, using ISSR-method of DNA polymorphism analysis. In four studied populations P. sylvestris identified 117 ISSR-markers; a high percentage of polymorphic loci (Р95 = 0.949). One ISSR-primer initiated synthesis in P. sylvestris on average 16.7 ISSR-markers. In the studied populations of P. sylvestris identified 16 rare ISSR-markers. Revealed the identity of the monomorphic species and polymorphic ISSR-markers, and combinations there of for the molecular genetic identification of the populations studied. Compiled by molecular genetic formula and barcodes four studied populations of P. sylvestris. The data obtained can be used to identify populations and wood of P. sylvestris in the studied region.

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How to Cite
Пришнивская/Prishnivskaya Я. В., Красильников/Krasilnikov В. П., & Боронникова/Boronnikova С. В. (2018). MOLECULAR GENETIC IDENTIFICATION OF POPULATIONS OF PINUS SYLVESTRYS L. IN THE EAST OF THE RUSSIAN PLAIN BASED ON POLYMORPHISM ISSR-MARKERS. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 171–176. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Яна/Yana Викторовна/Viktorovna Пришнивская/Prishnivskaya, Perm State University; Natural Science Institute Perm State University

Student of the Department of Botany and Plant Genetics;Engineer-researcher of the laboratory of molecular biology, and finally genetics

Виталий/Vitaliy Павлович/Pavlovich Красильников/Krasilnikov, Perm State University

Graduate student faculty of Biology

Светлана/Svetlana Витальевна/Vitalievna Боронникова/Boronnikova, Perm State University

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Botany and Plant Genetics


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