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Тамара/Tamara Исаковна/Isakovna Карпунина/Karpunina
Дина/Dina Эдуардовна/Eduardovna Якушева/Yakusheva
Дмитрий/Dmitry Михайлович/Mikhailovich Кисельков/Kisel'kov
Ирина/Irina Алексеевна/Alekseevna Борисова/Borisova
Равиль/Ravil' Максумзянович/Maksumzyanovich Якушев/Yakushev


Modification of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) surface by a combined physical and chemical method has been carried out. The method consists in ion-beam treatment followed by grafting of acrylic acid and interaction with chemicals. As a result, amino groups and coordination compounds of the zinc(II) ion have been assumed to appear on the polymer surface. The biofilms of Staphylococcus epidermidis clinical strains adhered to the initial and modified surfaces has been studied by scanning electron microscopy. In this paper microbial contamination of surface modified silicone rubber was shown to be significantly reduced. This modification technique can be suggested for antibacterial treatment of medical devices made of silicon rubber.

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How to Cite
Карпунина/Karpunina Т. И., Якушева/Yakusheva Д. Э., Кисельков/Kisel’kov Д. М., Борисова/Borisova И. А., & Якушев/Yakushev Р. М. (2018). REDUCING STAPHYLOCOCCUS EPIDERMIDIS COLONIZATION OF POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 160–165. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Тамара/Tamara Исаковна/Isakovna Карпунина/Karpunina, Perm State Medical Academy after E.A. Vagner

Doctor of Biology, professor, Department of microbiology and virology with clinical laboratory diagnostics course

Дина/Dina Эдуардовна/Eduardovna Якушева/Yakusheva, Institute of Technical chemistry, UB RAS

PhD in Engineering sciences, researcher, laboratory of structural chemical modification of polymers

Дмитрий/Dmitry Михайлович/Mikhailovich Кисельков/Kisel'kov, Institute of Technical chemistry, UB RAS

PhD in Engineering sciences, researcher, laboratory of structural chemical modification of polymers

Ирина/Irina Алексеевна/Alekseevna Борисова/Borisova, Institute of Technical chemistry, UB RAS

Engineer, laboratory of structural chemical modification of polymers

Равиль/Ravil' Максумзянович/Maksumzyanovich Якушев/Yakushev, Institute of Technical chemistry, UB RAS

PhD in Engineering sciences, Head of laboratory of structural chemical modification of polymers


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Busscher H. .J., et al. Biomaterial-associated infection: locating the finish line in the race for the surface. Science Translational Medicine. 2012, V. 4, pp. 153rvl0.

Chu, P.K. et al. Plasma-surface modification of biomaterials. Material Science Engineering: R: reports. 2002, V 36, Is. 5-6, pp. 143-206.

Donlan R.M., Biofilms and device-associated infections. Emerging. Infectious Diseases. 2001, Is. 2, V. 7, pp. 277-281.

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Katsikogianni M., Missirlis Y.F. Concise review of mechanisms of bacterial adhesion to biomaterials and of techniques used in estimating bacteria-material interactions. European Cells and Materials. 2004, V. 8. pp. 37-57.

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Padmavathy N., Vijayaraghavan R. Enhanced bioac-tivity of ZnO nanoparticles—an antimicrobial study. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 2008, V. 9, pp. 035004(l)-035004(7).

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Pavlukhina S, Sukhishvili S. Polymer assemblies for controlled delivery of bioactive molecules from surfaces. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 2011, V. 63, pp. 822-836.

Zhang L. et al. Mechanistic investigation into antibacterial behaviour of suspensions of ZnO nanoparticles against E. coli. Journal Nanoparti-cle Research. 2010, V. 12, pp. 1625-1636.