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Евгений/Evgeniy Александрович/Alexandrovich Зиновьев/Zinovjev
Александр/Alexander Сергеевич/Sergeevich Васильев/Vasiljev
Елена/Elena Евгеньевна/Evgenjevna Зиновьева/Zinovjeva


As is known to the Kama area is described in detail the short cycle form of European grayling. In addition, recently studied some populations of short cycle forms roach. Description of the short form is given in this paper. Collection roach carried out in the Suksun pond of the Perm region. The material was fixed in 4% formalin solution and processed in the laboratory at the Department of zoology and ecology PSU. Plastic signs were measured with calipers, with an accuracy of 0,1 mm. The mass was measured on an electronic balance with an accuracy of 0.1 g. The mass of the gonads were determined using electronic scales with an accuracy of 0.001 g. Age determination was conducted on the scales using a binocular microscope MBS-10 with an increase of 8 x 4. In females with well-developed cities (3-4 maturity stage) counted fertility. For the first time indicates when the formation and existence of short cycle forms bream, perch, bleak and burbot. For short cycle forms grayling and roach most characteristic decrease in life expectancy, early ripening, very low fertility (2333 pcs). Rather, these figures are inherent and others marked fish species. However, their parameters are insufficiently investigated. It is to monitor the poorly studied species of fish in these waters (Suksunsky, Nytvensky, Lysvensky ponds, r. Brodovaja et al.).

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How to Cite
Зиновьев/Zinovjev Е. А., Васильев/Vasiljev А. С., & Зиновьева/Zinovjeva Е. Е. (2018). ABOUT SHORTCYCLE FORMS OF FISH IN THE BASIN OF THE MIDDLE KAMA. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 144–149. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1801
Author Biographies

Евгений/Evgeniy Александрович/Alexandrovich Зиновьев/Zinovjev, Perm State University

Professorof the Department of vertebrate zoology and ecology

Александр/Alexander Сергеевич/Sergeevich Васильев/Vasiljev, Perm State University

Postgraduate of the Department of vertebrate zoology and ecology

Елена/Elena Евгеньевна/Evgenjevna Зиновьева/Zinovjeva, The Ministry of natural resources, forestry and ecology of Perm Krai

Head of the Department of water management Department of water resources 


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