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Лидия/Lydia Григорьевна/Grigorjevna Переведенцева/Perevedentseva
Александр/Aleksandr Сергеевич/Sergeevich Шишигин/Shishigin
Юлия/Yulija Александровна/Aleksandrovna Челакова/Chelakova


We studied agarics in 2014-2015 in the state nature reserve «Basegi» (the Perm Territory) by a route method in all the altitudinal belts. 50 species of the agarics had been known before 2014. The objective of the researches is an inventory of the specific structure of the agarics in the reserve «Basegi», as well as revealing their ecological features. The reserve is a system of the mountain ridges Basegi with forests adjoining to them. There are the following altitudinal belts in the reserve: 1) the mountain forest belt, with fir-tree forests and some birch forests on the slopes; 2) the subalpine belt; 3) the goltsy belt. As a result of our researches, we have found 126 species and intraspecific taxa that belong to 40 genera, 19 families and 4 orders. Two species of mushrooms (Suillus puncti-pes and Suillus placidus) occur only in the reserve. We have found a new species of the Perm Territory - Rhodocollybia fodiens (Kalchbr.) Antonin & Noordel. The biggest families are Strophariaceae (24 species; 19%), Russulaceae (23 species; 18%), and Cortinariaceae (21 species; 17%). The following 7 genera have the largest number of species: Cortinarius, Lactarius, Russula, Mycena, Amanita, Galerina, Pholiota (from 6 to 21 species), that is typical for the forest zone. 50 species are edible (40%), 8 species are poisonous (6%). The rest 68 species (54%) are inedible. The found fungi belong to 6 ecological groups (mushrooms forming mycorhiza, xy-lotrophs, litter and humus saprotrophs, bryotrophs, mycotrophs), 55% out of them are mycorhizal fungi. We have traced the fungi distribution according to vertical zonality. The majority of them, 99 species, are concentrated in the mountain forest belt. The minority of them, 10 species, are marked out in some places of the goltsy belt. Mycorhizal fungi prevail in all the belts (52-70%). Species composition of mushrooms in the altitudinal belts differs considerably: Jaccard index J(x100) fluctuates approximately from 4 to 17. Originality of the biota of agarics depends much on the woody plants structure, particularly, on the presence of the Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) and its ectomycorhizal fungi-symbionts.

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How to Cite
Переведенцева/Perevedentseva Л. Г., Шишигин/Shishigin А. С., & Челакова/Chelakova Ю. А. (2018). AGARICS OF THE RESERVE "BASEGI". Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 109–115. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Лидия/Lydia Григорьевна/Grigorjevna Переведенцева/Perevedentseva, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor of the Department of botany and genetics of plants

Александр/Aleksandr Сергеевич/Sergeevich Шишигин/Shishigin, Perm State University

Graduate student of the biological faculty

Юлия/Yulija Александровна/Aleksandrovna Челакова/Chelakova, Perm State University

Student of the biological faculty


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