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Bankova VS., De Castro S.L., Marcucci M.C. Propolis: recent advances in chemistry and plant origin. Apidologie. 2000, V. 31, pp. 3-15.
Bogdanov S. Bienenvolk und Schadstoflbelastung Schweiz. Bienen-Zeitung. 1988, N 111(11), s. 571-575.
Bogdanov S., Kilchenmann V., Imdorf A. Acaricide residues in some bee products. Apiculture Research. 1998, N 37 (2), pp. 57- 67.
Budrock G.A. Review of the Biological Properties and Toxicity of Bee Propolis (Propolis). Food and Chemical Toxicology. 1998, N 36, pp. 347-363.
Finger D., Filho I.K., Torres Y.R., Quinaia S.P. Propolis as an indicator of environmental contamination by metals. Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 2014, V. 92(3), pp. 259-264.
Fleche C., Clement M.-E., Zeggane S., Faucon J.-P. Contamination des produits de la ruche et risques puor la santé humaine : situation in France. Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics). 1997, V. 16(2), pp. 609-619.
Ghisalberti E.L. Propolis a review. Bee World. 1974, N 55, pp. 59-84.
Greenaway W., Scaysbrook T., Whatley F.R. The compositions and plant origin of propolis: a report of work at Oxford. Bee World. 1990, N 71, pp. 107-118.
Marcucci M.C. Propolis: chemical composition, biological properties and therapeutic activity. Apidologie. 1995, V. 26, pp. 83-93.
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Walker P., Crane, E. Constituents propolis. Apidologie. 1987, N 18, pp. 327-334