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Роман/Roman Владимирович/Vladimirowitsch Кайгородов/Kaigorodov
Ирина/Irina Николаевна/Nikolaevna Карташова/Kartasheva


The aim this study was analysis of mineral content of propolis with different botanical origin and this dynamics by industrial processing. In laboratory experiment was the scheme of industrial processing of propolis is reproduced. The samples of propolis from temperate zone collected from a poplar trees (Populus L.), propolis extracts and this waste were evaluated. Mineral composition was using optical emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma (ICP OES) determined. The influence of botanical origin of propolis was established. Propolis from Populus nigra L. differed in higher mineral content, than propolis from a Populus tremula L. As the extracting substances were used the water distilled, 1 M solution of nitrate of ammonium and ethanol (30, 70 and 96%). It is revealed that the mineral composition of different fraction: water-soluble, salt-soluble, ethanolic-soluble of propolis extracts depends from type of extraction. It was showed that mineral content of propolis extract can be change using different extraction methods. The way of cleaning of raw materials of propolis of toxic elements lead and cadmium is offered based on ion-exchange processes with extraction using the ammonium nitrate solution. The received results can be used for optimization of industrial processing of propolis.

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How to Cite
Кайгородов/Kaigorodov Р. В., & Карташова/Kartasheva И. Н. (2018). DYNAMICS OF MINERAL COMPOSITION OF PROPOLIS AT ITS INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (2), 102–108. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1797
Author Biographies

Роман/Roman Владимирович/Vladimirowitsch Кайгородов/Kaigorodov, Perm State University; Tobolsk complex scientific station of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of biology, associate professor of the Department of Plant physiology and Microorganisms;Researcher of Laboratory of ecotoxicology

Ирина/Irina Николаевна/Nikolaevna Карташова/Kartasheva, Perm State University

Student of Biological faculty


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