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Bochet E., Garcia-Fayos P., Tormo J. Road slope revegetation in semiarid Mediterranean environments. Part I: seed dispersal and spontaneous colonization. Restoration Ecology, 2007, V. 15, pp. 88-96.
Brandes D. Flora und Vegetation der Bahnhofe Mitteleuropas. Phytocoenologia, 1983, V. 11, s. 31-115.
Filibeck G., Cornelini P., Petrella P. Floristic analysis of a high-speed railway embankment in a mediterranean landscape. Acta Bot. Croat,. 2012, V. 71 (2), pp. 229-248.
Galera H., Sudnik-Wojcikowska B., Wierbzbicka M., Wiikomirski B. Encroachment of forest species into operating and abandoned railway areas in north - eastern Poland. Plant Biosystems, 2011, V. 145, pp. 23-36.
Hansen M.J., Clevenger A.P. The influence of disturbance and habitat on the presence of non-native plant species along transport corridors. Biological Conservation, 2005, V. 125, pp. 249-259. http://dx.doi.Org/10.1016/j.biocon.2005.03.024.
Jandova L., Sklenar P., Kovar P. Changes of grassland vegetation in surroundings of new railway flyover (Eastern Bohemia, Czech Republic). Part I: Plant communities and permanent habitat plots. Journal of Landscape Ecology, 2009, V. 2(1), pp. 35-56.
Miihlenbach V. Contributions to the synanthropic (adventive) flora of the railroads in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 1979, V. 66, pp. 1-108.
Tikka P.M., Koski P.S., Kivela R.A., Kuitunen, M.T. Can grassland communities be preserved on road and railway verges? Applied Vegetation Science, 2000, V. 3, pp. 25-32.
Tikka P.M., Hiigmander H., Koski P.S. Road and railway verges serve as dispersal corridors for grassland plants. Landscape Ecol., 2001, V. 16, pp. 659-666.
Westermann J.R, Lippe von der M., Kowarik I. Seed traits, landscape and environmental parameters as predictors of species occurrence in fragmented urban railway habitats. Basic and Applied Ecology, 2011, V. 12, pp. 29-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2010.11.006
Wilkomirski В., Galera H., Barbara Sudnik-Wojcikow-ska, Staszewski Т., Malawska M. Railway tracks-habitat conditions, contamination, floristic settlement - a review. Environment and Natural Resources Research, 2012, V. 2, N 1, pp. 86-95.
Wittig R. Ferns in a new role as a frequent constituent of railway flora in central Europe. Flora, 2002, V. 197, pp. 341-350.