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Марина Александровна Землянова
Анастасия Сергеевна Иванова
Марк Сергеевич Степанков
Анастасия Игоревна Тиунова


The article presents the results of research and assessment of acute toxicity and cumulative properties of nanosized oxide of cobalt at inhalation and oral receipt. Nanoparticles of oxide of cobalt are widely applied in electroinstrument making, chemical and metallurgical industry. It is important to systematize and specify data on physical and toxicological parameters of nanodimensional metal-containing particles at various ways of receipt to an organism. By results of own pilot studies it is established that the studied sample of nanodisperse oxide of cobalt is nanomaterial (the size of particles is equal in diameter to 41,277,9 nanometers, is 6,8 times less than particles of microdisperse analog (0,281-4,91mkm)) that can increase its reactionary ability. Doesn't possess acute inhalation and oral toxicity. At inhalation receipt possesses bigger penetration in a liver (concentration has made 0,168 mg/g) that is in 2,21 higher in comparison with microdisperse analog (0,076 mg/g), bigger penetration in a brain (0,046 mg/g) that is in 20,84 higher in comparison with microdisperse analog (0,022 mg/g). Possesses more expressed material cumulation in comparison with a cumulation of microdisperse analog: in a brain (concentration has made 0,733 mg/kg), what is 2,07 times more, in a liver (76,94 mg/kg) - by 27,4 times and in kidneys (141,608 mg/kg) - by 155,3 times.

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How to Cite
Землянова, М. А., Иванова, А. С., Степанков, М. С., & Тиунова, А. И. (2018). ASSESSMENT OF ACUTE TOXICITY AND CUMULATIVE PROPERTIES OF NANODISPERSE OXIDE OF COBALT AT INHALATION AND ORAL RECEIPT. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 379–383. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Марина Александровна Землянова, Perm State University; FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies"

Doctor of Medicine, professor of the Department of human ecology and life safety;Head of Department of biochemical and cytogenetic diagnostics

Анастасия Сергеевна Иванова, Perm State University

Graduate student of biological faculty

Марк Сергеевич Степанков, Perm State University

Student of biological faculty

Анастасия Игоревна Тиунова, Perm State University

Graduate student of biological faculty


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