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Александра Николаевна Крестьянникова
Анна Леонидовна Немойкина


The main task of archives, museums and libraries around the world, is the preservation of collections of historical and cultural values. But the collection is constantly influenced by environmental factors. Among the most important factors affecting the deterioration of library materials are biological, including insects, rodents and microorganisms. The greatest danger for the funds are microscopic fungi. The presence of spores or mycelium fragments on the surface of the documents may be indicative of a possible biodegradability in the future. The mycelium is usually dries quickly loses viability of spores stored on documents for a long time and under the right conditions begin to germinate. The complex biochemical processes of microscopic fungi lead to the appearance of pigmented spots on the paper and the production of acids that cause discoloration of the paint. Also undesirable aesthetic aspects, some fungi contamination can lead to irreversible degradation of paper. In this regard, it is important to evaluate a variety of microscopic fungi on books and manuscripts. The survey documents in the Rare Book Department of the Scientific Library of Tomsk State University established the incidence of fungi, Aspergillus niger (12.89%), Mycelia sterile (13.1%), Alternaria alternata (9.46%), Penicillium spp. (7.89%). The composition micromycetes contaminating the surface of the books are the main representatives of the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium. Mikromitcety determined with a high cellulolytic and acid-forming activity - Mycelia sterile (61%), Aspergillus niger (59%) and Penicillium spp. (57%).

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How to Cite
Крестьянникова, А. Н., & Немойкина, А. Л. (2018). MICROBIOLOGICAL STATUS OF DOCUMENTS IN THE LIBRARY. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 42–45. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1786
Author Biographies

Александра Николаевна Крестьянникова, Tomsk State University

Junior researcher Laboratory of polymers and biotechnology

Анна Леонидовна Немойкина, Tomsk State University

Candidate of biology, Head Laboratory biopolymers and biotechnology


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