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Евгения Ивановна Демьянова


The characteristics of seed productivity of ferruginous sage (Salvia glutinosa L., Lamiaceae) in the conditions of introduction in the Perm region in 2011-2015, Its level has been uneven in different years of the study, which is associated with late flowering (August-September) and different flight activity of pollinators (bumblebees), depending on suitable conditions. Seed production of this plant, although low per 1 the fruit, it provides the self-seeding due to the abundance of flowers per individual. In ISO-lation from pollinator seeds are not fastened. Outagamie prevents dichogamy in the form of protandry and herkogamy. The plant is characterized by good winter hardiness, ability to self-renewal, abundant and prolonged flowering, continue-available for about 2.5 months, well-marked large flowers. Over a seven-year period of observation (2009-2015) is not marked with pests and diseases. Salvia glutinosa is recommended as ornamental plants in city squares and parks in the Perm region.

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How to Cite
Демьянова, Е. И. (2018). ABOUT SEED PRODUCTION OF SALVIA GLUTINOSA L. (LAMIACEAE) IN CONDITIONS OF INTRODUCTION IN PERM REGION. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (1), 1–6. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1780
Author Biography

Евгения Ивановна Демьянова, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor of the Department of botany and plant genetics


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