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Юлия/Yuliya Геннадьевна/Gennad'evna Максимова/Maksimova
Елена/Elena Юрьевна/Yur'evna Бурлуцкая/Burlutskaya


The total content of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) in Rhodococcus cells under periodic two-stage growth on balanced and limited by source of nitrogen or phosphorus culture medium with different carbon sources was determined. Morphology of bacterial cells under unbalance growth was studied by the method of phase-contrast light microscopy. The objects of the study were the strains of bacteria of the Rhodococcus genus. There were no significant differences in the accumulation of these nutrients during growth of these strains on various carbon sources, and on media limited by nitrogen or phosphorus. It is shown that R. ruber P5-8 accumulates maximum of PHA on the medium limited by phosphorus, when grown on butyrate and sodium acetate as a carbon source - 312.5 and 466.7 |ig / mg, respectively. Under growth of R. ruber P5-8 on a medium deficient in nitrogen, there is a marked change in morphology, which is expressed in irregular thickening of the cell. The highest accumulation of R. ruber P5-8 biomass (9.4 mg / ml) was observed during growth оn a medium limited by phosphorus and sodium butyrate as a carbon source.

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How to Cite
Максимова/Maksimova Ю. Г., & Бурлуцкая/Burlutskaya Е. Ю. (2018). POLYHYDROXYALKANOATES ACCUMULATION IN RHODOCOCCUS CELLS UNDER UNBALANCED GROWTH. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 344–350. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1771
Author Biographies

Юлия/Yuliya Геннадьевна/Gennad'evna Максимова/Maksimova, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganism UB RAS

Doctor of biology, senior scientist of the laboratory of molecular microbiology and biotechnology

Елена/Elena Юрьевна/Yur'evna Бурлуцкая/Burlutskaya, Perm State University

Postgraduate student


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Venkateswar Reddy M., Venkata Mohan S. Influence of aerobic and anoxic microenvironments on polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production from food waste and acidogenic effluents using aerobic consortia. Bioresource Technology. V. 103 No. 1 (2012): pp. 313-321.

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