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Наталья/Natalia Александровна/Aleksandrovna Молганова/Molganova
Сергей/Sergey Александрович/Aleksandrovich Овеснов/Ovesnov


In the literary sources for the territory of Perm indicates 7 species from the genus Rosa: R. majalis Herrm., R. acicularis Lindl. R. rugosа Thunb., R. glabrifolia C. A. Mey. ex Rupr., R. spinosissima L., R. canina L. and R. subcanina L. We studied the species composition of the genus Rosa L. (Rosaceae) in the city of Perm. The study was conducted in 2015-2016 on the key areas and routes that gripped the left Bank of the city. We found 26 species and hybridogenic taxa. This is R. chinensis Jacq. and its hybrids, R. glauca Pourr., R. cinnamomea L., R. acicularis Lindl. R. rugosа Thunb., R. glabrifolia C.A. Mey. ex Rupr., R. spinosissima L. R. x pratorum Sukacz., R. laxa Retz., R. caesia Smith, R. corymbifera Borkh., R. davurica Pall., R. dimorpha Stev. ex Bess., R. gorenkensis Bess., R. dumalis Bechst., R. francofurtana Munchh., R. lupulina Dubovik, R. microdenia Mironova, R. oxyacantha Bieb., R. tschatyrdagi Chshan., R. x majorugosa Palmen et Hamet-Ahti, R. x spaethiana Graebn., R. x terebinthinacea Bess., R. x Waitziana Tratt. and R. subcanina L. The key for identifying these taxa. R. canina L. on the investigated territory of the city not detected.

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How to Cite
Молганова/Molganova Н. А., & Овеснов/Ovesnov С. А. (2018). SPECIES OF THE GENUS ROSA L. (ROSACEAE) IN PERM. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 310–321. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1767
Author Biographies

Наталья/Natalia Александровна/Aleksandrovna Молганова/Molganova, Perm State Agricultural Academy named after academician D.N. Prianishnikov

Senior lecturer of the Department of forestry and landscape architecture

Сергей/Sergey Александрович/Aleksandrovich Овеснов/Ovesnov, Perm State University

Doctor of biology, professor of the Department of botany and genetic of plants


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