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Рудольф/Rudolf Владимирович/Vladimirovich Камелин/Kamelin


Results "Pleistocene cold steppe" evidence Pliocene I.M. Krasheninnikov, and therefore the change of dating the emergence of Eastern Europe and other floristic complexes. Age immoral elements on the part of the European Miocene-Pliocene (5-5.5 mln. years), but in the Lake District it is unlikely more than 10 000-8 500 thousand years. At the same time near the Urals, there are elements nemoral flora, not peculiar to the rest of Europe, but clearly linking these areas of South Siberia. It is well known that nemoral flora of Eastern Europe, compared to Central Europe, is strongly depleted. But the reasons for this depletion analyzed enough. This is usually attributed to the fact that Eastern Europe (especially the center) - the country is generally flat, and Central Europe, and includes vast mountain system. But we must proceed from the fact that the time of settlement nemoral types in Central Europe was greater than in the East, and resettlement scenarios - more complex, and the details of them, in fact, it is currently not clear.

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How to Cite
Камелин/Kamelin Р. В. (2018). ON SOME PROBLEMS OF THE HISTORY OF EUROPE NEMORAL FLORA IN LATE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE. Bulletin of Perm University. Biology, (4), 305–309. Retrieved from https://press.psu.ru/index.php/bio/article/view/1766
Author Biography

Рудольф/Rudolf Владимирович/Vladimirovich Камелин/Kamelin, Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of biology, professor, corresponding member of the RAS, main researcher in the Department of Herbarium of higher plants


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