


innovations; innovations in public administration; electoral innovations; electoral governance; electoral management; electoral politics


The paper presents a review of Russian and foreign scientific literature on the study of innovations in the field of electoral governance. The world's leading centers for studying electoral governance’ innovations are characterized. One of the factors influencing international research interaction in this area is the development of several specialized think tanks in the USA since the mid 2010s. The article compares the results obtained in the study of information technology innovations with the results in the study of legal, organizational, managerial and other innovations. The features of the research agenda in the area are identified.  Methodological difficulties, limitations and prospects for further scientific study of electoral innovations in domestic and world science are revealed. Prospects for the development of this area may be linked with a revaluation of the importance of objective approach to research, including traditional institutionalism, as well as with the application of theories of diffusion of innovations and the spread of political institutions. For Russian science, a specific limiting factor is the traditional attribution of the electoral institutions to the sphere of legal rather than political sciences.

Author Biography

N. V. Grishin, Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg

Doctor in Political Science, Professor at the Department of Political Institutes and Applied Political Studies


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How to Cite

Grishin Н. В. (2024). STUDYING INNOVATIONS IN ELECTORAL GOVERNANCE: A SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE REVIEW. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 18(2).