political theory; image of the country; political fact; political event; cultural and historical person; geo-economics; high technology and digitalization; international securityAbstract
"Huanqiu Shibao (Global Newspaper)", a structural division of the main periodical in China "People's Daily", specializing in coverage of international events and processes. The article characterizes what image of Russia is formed in the materials of this newspaper for the first half of 2023. The epistemological study of publications under the heading "politics" is determined by the refraction of the concept of the category "political". The author discovers an informational trace from the use of "soft power", in particular in the preamble of the newspaper "Huanqiu Shibao" with the wording: "InoSMI materials contain assessments of foreign media only and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial board." In the "politics" column, the newspaper "Huanqiu Shibao" acts as an advocate of Russia (a way/method of keeping the "other" in dependence), while the "economics" column in the Chinese newspaper is built from the position of geo-economics, where economic issues are a continuation of politics. Images of Russia in political science materials are usually presented in the form of heroic, mythological, epic, zoomorphic, transcendental characters/metaphors. Images of Russia in eclectic economic and political science materials are examined according to stratification, corruption, financial, geo-economic, technological status/value/state.References
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