new markers of national identity; multi-vector orientation of the political system; devaluation of images of the Soviet past; trilingualism; ethnocentrism; the Republic of Kazakhstan; Russia; social media; anti-Russian sentiments; threats to societal securityAbstract
The article focuses on the formation of the national identity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the definition of its new markers, and the processes of anti-Russian sentiment formation in social media. The authors use an interdisciplinary research methodology combining socio-philosophical, philosophical-political, socio-cultural and informational approaches. The analysis of the processes of national identity formation in Kazakhstan takes into account the specifics of the post-Soviet space along with the specifics of its development in political and socio-cultural aspects. Special attention is paid to the correlation of the levels of national identity: cultural-historical (ethnic) and national-civic. The authors believe that the ethnic aspect of national identity is transforming in modern Kazakhstan, leading to the growth of anti-Russian sentiments. The article defines 8 new markers of the national identity of Kazakhstan; in relation to 4 markers an empirical study of the correlation with the dynamics of anti-Russian sentiments in social media is conducted. Network analysis is used as a method of empirical research, which allows investigating the media space resources of Kazakhstan. The authors note that certain trends (new markers) in the formation of Kazakhstan's national identity create the risk of an increase in anti-Russian sentiments, which will significantly exacerbate threats to the social security of the entire Caspian macro-region.References
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