values; political values; youth; younger generation; ideas; meanings; freedom; responsibilityAbstract
The study's empirical basis is derived from materials gathered through a survey of Russian youth aged 14 to 30 years (the total sample size is 2,500 individuals). The results of the study show that modern Russian youth consider the historically typical values of Russian society important and, at the same time, fill them with new meanings. The value of freedom is the core of the political consciousness of Russian youth and is universal in nature. Generational differences in the understanding of the value of freedom have been identified: the main associations with the value of freedom are categories such as "independence", "security", and "will, liberty". Simultaneously, the understanding of freedom as security is much less common among schoolchildren than among older youth. The idea of freedom as will and liberty is more common among 14-17 year olds than among older respondents, for whom freedom often has a value in itself. During the study, it was noted that along with a desire for autonomy and personal freedom, respondents also expressed paternalistic orientations. Young people see the state as the subject that should implement their values and meet their needs. This characteristic is particularly pronounced among the youngest cohort.References
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