


Great Britain; European Union; Brexit; sovereignty; control; small and medium business


The article explores the role of sovereignty issues in the Brexit process and its consequences. The author notes the emotional response and attractiveness of the slogan "take back control" for the supporters of the UK's exit from the European Union, but points out the difficulties of its implementation. The concept of sovereignty and its connection with EU membership are analyzed, as supporters of leaving the EU expressed concerns about limiting the UK's sovereign powers. However, the author notes that the rhetoric about the "return of control" does not take into account the modern interdependence between countries and the conditions for integration. The study shows that the British government opted for an absolutist form of sovereignty, but as a result lost effective control in many areas, especially in the economy, erecting barriers with its EU neighbors, thus not achieving the original goals of Brexit. This was clearly demonstrated by the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses, which felt the negative consequences of the decision to terminate membership in the integration entity.

Author Biography

D. V. Galushko, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities


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How to Cite

Galushko Д. В. (2023). THE UK AND BREXIT: SOME CONSEQUENCES OF "TAKING BACK CONTROL". Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 17(4).