globalization of religion; global Catholicism; Holy See; papal messages; Urbi et Orbi; content analysis; is-sues; world regions; global problemsAbstract
The article provides an analysis of the confessional aspect of religion's globalization. The theoretical approach underlying the study is the concept of J. Casanova, tracing the origins of global Catholicism in the practice of proclaiming Urbi et Orbi. The aim of the article is to identify the specifics of the messages "to the city and to the world" as a means of maintaining the global status of the Church. The study is conducted in the form of two variants of content analysis, with data being gathered from the website of the Holy See. Within the framework of the content analysis, issues and mentions of world regions are highlighted. A comparison of the findings of content analysis indicates the adaptability of Urbi et Orbi, its problem-oriented approach and increased attention to the issue of armed conflicts. The mention of the world regions in the papal messages is associated with the intensity of the manifestation of global problems at the local level. The result of the study is the confirmation of the hypothesis that the thematic content and geographical coverage make it possible to label Urbi et Orbi as an independent tool of Catholic globalization.References
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