civiс activity; active citizenship; civic participation; civic engagement; civic values; youthAbstract
The author analyzes the relationship between civic engagement and other concepts that describe the specifics of the current situation in the field of reproduction of active citizenship. Three components of civic engagement are distinguished: civic participation (activity aspect), civic engagement (cognitive and communicative aspect) and active citizenship orientation (value component). The article then describes the practice and forms of civic activity of young people in a large Russian city. Empirical data is collected through two questionnaire surveys of Tyumen youth aged 18-24, conducted in 2021 and 2023. When analyzing data, the author relies on a multidimensional personality-oriented approach, which makes it possible to identify homogeneous groups of respondents and describe their profiles. The primary criterion for grouping is the experience of civic participation. The emphasis is on participation formats that are developing in the digital era and are more flexible than traditional, institutional forms. The first study identifies five clusters: "passive", "electoral reserve", "offline reserve", "online reserve", "active". There is an increase in civic activity according to the results of the second measurement. At the same time, there is a change in the structure of the clusters, a change in their proportions. Furthermore, two new clusters are added: "digital asset" and "participants".References
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