оrganizational culture; political actor; biopolitics; natural organization; self-learning organizationAbstract
The article addresses the issue of organizational culture of political actors within the principles of natural and self-learning organization. The relevance of the subject is determined by the formation of the system of public authority, as well as the need to create conceptual stability in relation to the organizational culture of the political actor. As a result, the orientations of actors (be it the state or actors inside/outside the state) on confirmantropic or negantropic biopolitics may be developed. Methodologically, the article is based on the theory of organizational metaphors by G.Morgan, the approaches of P.Senge, F.Selznick, and the concept of biopolitics by M.Foucault. Asserting the epistemological significance of the analytical separation of natural and self-learning organization in the analysis of actors, the authors assume that there is a duality and possible coexistence of these approaches in the study of the organizational culture of political actors. Such a phenomenon became possible due to the biopolitical revolution that leveled this gap. As a result, there is a paradoxical possibility of the formation of a negantropic biopolitics that denies the significant role of an autonomous individual and leadership, suggesting a rejection of the emergence of self-learning political actors.References
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