


political trust; youth; trust in authorities; youth policy; social trust


An analysis of the results of two empirical studies of the political trust of Russian youth conducted in the fall of 2022 — an all-Russian online youth survey and an expert survey — was carried out. Empirical studies were a part of the implementation of the research project "Political Trust of the Russian Youth: Formation Mechanisms, State, Trends, Systemic Risks". The self-assessment of the political trust of young people included the identification of their attitude towards the institutions of power, as well as to NGOs, and politicians of all levels. The expert survey was based on the application of the non-standardized interview method. A variable was calculated to clarify the issue of the proportion of those who did not trust the authorities, demonstrating low, medium and high indicators of political trust. Compared to previous online surveys, trust anti-rating indicators grew significantly. A split was revealed in the assessment of young people's regard of the domestic and foreign policies and the activities of certain institutions. Data was obtained on the differentiation of the political trust of young people in certain political institutions. Age/generational explanations for the differences in the political attitudes of young people showed differences between the three age groups of young people.

Author Biographies

O.V. Popova, Saint Petersburg State University; INION RAS

Doctor in Political Science, Professor, the Head of the Department of Political Institutes and Applied Political Studies, Senior Researcher

N. V. Grishin, Saint Petersburg State University; INION RAS

Doctor in Political Science, Professor at the Department of Political Institutes and Applied Political Studies, Leading Researcher


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How to Cite

Popova О. В., & Grishin Н. В. (2023). RUSSIAN YOUTH’S POLITICAL TRUST: SELF-ASSESSMENT AND EXPERT OPINION. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 17(1), 88–100.