power; public administration; local structures; public decision-making; state governance; democracyAbstract
The growth of various versions of the reform of the public administration system, focusing on the monopolistic powers of the centers of supreme power, poorly reflect the positioning and activity of local centers of influence, which reduces the effectiveness of public institutions and does not allow to aggregate the constructive energy of society. The creation of conditions for the institutionalization of the actual influence of local structures on social processes involves a transition from the model of "public administration" to a broad political and managerial structure - "state management", which allows interpreting the entire palette of relations between the ruling/subordinate and the governing/governed within the framework of the national state. Various possibilities of modern polities in the institutionalization of this political and administrative architecture show the flaws in the democratic configuration of relations between the state and society existing in these countries, as well as the possibilities of preventing the risks of political destabilization.References
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