


The article is a study of the peculiarities of voting for the opposition in the municipal elections in Moscow in 2017 through the logic of the socio-psychological voting model. The author considers the social characteristics of citizens and neighboring / district communities as conditions associated with greater support for the opposition in local elections in 30 Moscow districts. The density of communications, the level of generalized trust, organizational experience, as well as the average cost of real estate in the area are taken as such conditions. The method of analysis in the article is the multi-values qualitative comparative analysis (mvQCA), which makes it possible to consider the necessary conditions associated with a greater representation of the opposition in municipal councils. The results of the analysis partially confirm the theoretical expectations: the density of communication within the community is a prerequisite for higher support for the opposition in local elections. However, the level of generalized trust and organizational experience are not necessarily enough. The class characteristic in the form of the cost of housing is also a prerequisite for supporting the opposition in the elections.

Author Biography

V. D. Bederson, Perm State University

Candidate of Political Science, Researcher, Associate Professor


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