

public advisory councils, information openness, public policy, qualitative comparative analysis


Information openness of public advisory councils is an important but underexplored indicator of their role in public policy. It reflects their activities, as well as the feedback mechanisms between citizens and councils. Scholars point out low information quality on federal and regional levels, but the reasons behind that rarely studied, especially from a comparative perspective. This paper attempts to fill in this gap by revealing the conditions leading to greater information openness. The authors choose St. Petersburg as a case and gather a dataset on 46 public councils. The key research method is the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis. The framework is built on two expectations: the impact of councils’ autonomy (in website management and general organization) and the role of councils (“intermediary” or “expert”) on information openness.Due to several limitations, the results have not revealed any conditions which can be considered a guarantee for better openness. However, the preliminary conclusion is that the differences in autonomy and roles are important conditions. The autonomy of councils seems to be the most crucial factor. A valuable contribution of this paper is the framework of analysis that can be used for other cases and research strategies.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2021-2-129-141

Author Biographies

Илья Вяткин / Ilia Viatkin, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

student of the educational program "Political Science and World Politics"

Юрий Кабанов / Yuriy Kabanov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science and International Relations

Михаил Карягин / Mikhail Karyaginm, Center for Current Politics, Moscow

leading expert

Станислав Кукарцев / Stanislav Kukartsev, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

student of the educational program "Political Science and World Politics"

Павел Миронов / Pavel Mironov, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg

student of the educational program "Political Science and World Politics"


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How to Cite

Ilia Viatkin И. В. /, Yuriy Kabanov Ю. К. /, Mikhail Karyaginm М. К. /, Stanislav Kukartsev С. К. /, & Pavel Mironov П. М. /. (2021). INFORMATION OPENNESS OF PUBLIC ADVISORY COUNCILS IN ST. PETERSBURG: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CONDITIONS. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 15(2), 129–141. Retrieved from