

political institutionalization of conflicts, conflict theory, neoinstitutional theory, political institution


The paper presents the results of a research of ideas about the political institutionalization that have developed within the framework of the conflict theory and the neo-institutional theory. This article aims to determine the correlation between theoretical approaches in the study of the problems of political institutionalization of conflicts, in particular, in the interaction of institutions of various types. The research method is a comparative analysis of the main provisions of these two approaches. It was revealed that the problem of conflict regulation is most often solved in a normative way. The main methodological differences are associated with the choice of the research objects. In the theory of conflict, researchers focus on the possibilities giving the conflict a regulated and constructive character. The nature of the regulatory impact is not critical. From the neoinstitutionalists' point of view, the nature of political institutions and the possibility of combining different types of institutionalization are of decisive importance. Conflicts are considered along with other processes that need to be regulated. The possibility of overcoming them within the framework of political institutions is included. Simultaneously, a conflict can be stimulated by a clash of norms, and the process of institutionalization itself has a potential for conflict.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2021-2-16-26

Author Biographies

Алексей Кольба / Aleksey Kolba, Kuban State University

Professor at the Department of public policy and public administration

Залина Чадаева / Zalina Chadayeva, Kuban State University

graduate student at the Department of public policy and public administration


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How to Cite

Aleksey Kolba А. К. /, & Zalina Chadayeva З. Ч. /. (2021). POLITICAL INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF CONFLICTS: BASIC APPROACHES AND RESEARCH PROBLEMS. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 15(2), 16–26. Retrieved from http://press.psu.ru/index.php/polit/article/view/4606