Russian regions, regional politics, regional business, business and politics, corporate political strategy, politically connected firmsAbstract
Business plays a big role in politics all over the world due to its special interests, possession over autonomous resources, and importance for economic development and social stability. Russia and its regions are not an exception, business actors and the state are connected in a complex system of interactions and neopatrimonial exchange. In many regions, local business is a powerful political actor which is able to lobby its interests and influence regional electoral outcomes. The article reviews the research on business and politics in Russian regions. The research on Russia contributed considerably to our understanding of business actors’ direct political participation. It was made possible by the unique constellation of political and institutional factors. Moreover, the existing body of research demonstrates a complex picture of state-business interdependence that transcends the simplified models of state-business relations in authoritarian regimes.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2021-1-119-129References
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