political communication, information society, civic activism, the Internet, network community, network identity, social mediaAbstract
The research is devoted to the study of the topic of networkization of the socio-political space that is relevant in the context of the informatization of modern society. The author analyzes one of the displays of modern politics networkization in the paper. Its demonstration is associated with the growing social and political role of territorial Internet communities. The functioning of one of the Nizhny Novgorod Internet communities is studied as an example. The theoretical basis of the study is the theory of the information society and several concepts: the concept of the network community and the concept of the network identity. The paper uses content-analysis and comparative analysis as the applied analysis methods. The results of the study do not confirm the assumption that network communities' functioning contributes to an increased degree of civic engagement. However, the analysis confirms another assumption that public and political communication using the Internet community increases the efficiency of interaction between government and society, as it helps to improve the quality of feedback from the authorities. The author supposes that the display of the network identity factor affects the change in the degree of citizens' involvement in interaction with the authorities.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2021-1-97-108References
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