
  • Елена Мелешкина / E. Yu. Meleshkina Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Илья Помигуев / I. A. Pomiguev Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation; Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Montenegro, SFRY, state formation, nation-building, center, periphery, national minorities, national identity


The article analyzes the political development of Montenegro from the state- and nation-building perspective. This process takes place in the context of multi-ethnicity and disagreements about national and religious identity. The concept of center-peripheral polarity by S. Rokkan is used as the main analytical tool. It reveals the influence of relations between centers and the peripheries on state and nation-building. The authors examine the historical aspects of the national identity formation in Montenegro. The article focuses on the factors that complicate the process of state- and nation-building, including the institutional ones. The authors consider problems of different levels that hinder the implementation of a unified national policy in relation to all «non-Montenegrin» groups: the cleavages between Montenegrins and Serbs, between Montenegrins and other ethnic minorities, between the Montenegrin state and the Serbian Orthodox Church. The article analyzes the current stage of nation- and state-building, the peculiarities of the influence of external actors on this process. The results of the 2020 parliamentary elections, when the opposition came to power largely due to the active position of the Serbian Orthodox Church are also discussed. The authors come to a conclusion about the effectiveness of institutions that must provide political decision-making and consensus-building between different ethnic groups. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2021-1-5-18

Author Biographies

Елена Мелешкина / E. Yu. Meleshkina, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Political science, Chief researcher

Илья Помигуев / I. A. Pomiguev, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation; Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

PhD in Political science, Associate Professor at the Department of Political science, Research fellow


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How to Cite

E. Yu. Meleshkina Е. М. /, & I. A. Pomiguev И. П. /. (2021). MONTENEGRO IN SEARCH OF NATIONAL AND STATE IDENTITY. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 15(1), 5–18. Retrieved from