

political memory, usable past, memory politics, mnemonic actors, historical narrative, East Asia, compatriots, Russian presence


This work focuses on the practices of memory of Russian compatriots' organizations in East Asia. The aim of the study was to analyze how the latter use the past as mnemonic actors. We studied the narratives about the past created by compatriots' organizations and the Russian authorities or with their support. Today the Russian state creates a demand for a specific version of memory in the region, as part of its policy of supporting the Russian world. Compatriots' organizations have responded to it in exchange for support and have become agents of the Russian foreign policy, increasing influence in East Asia. These organizations privatize historical memory and form an identity on its basis, for which long-standing presence in the region and unity with Russia have become the most important characteristics. However, after the establishment of Rossotrudnichestvo, the Russian state formed a system of local agents. If the demand for the participation of compatriots' organizations in memory politics disappears, then it is possible that oppositional interpretations of the past will appear.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-4-127-137

Author Biography

Анастасия Михалева / Anastasiya Mikhaleva, Buryat State University (Ulan-Ude)

PhD in Political Science, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for the Study of Political Transformations


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How to Cite

Anastasiya Mikhaleva А. М. /. (2020). RUSSIAN CLUBS IN EAST ASIA AND USABLE PAST FOR COMPATRIOTS. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(4), 127–137. Retrieved from