

Orthodox believers, religiosity, political preferences, electoral behaviour, elections, political choice, religion and politics


This paper presents the outcomes of empirical research on the religiosity influence on the political choice of Russian Orthodox believers. The research assumptions: (1) political choice is determined by a combination of individual beliefs, practice, and identity each can be both religious and secular; (2) secular beliefs play a key role in political choice; beliefs can help to evaluate the behaviour of political actors and voters' ability to influence the political situation. In-depth interviews with Orthodox believers are used as data (Lipetsk Oblast, 2019-2020). The research has revealed that a religious component in a combination of beliefs, practices, and identities varies depending on the level of religiosity. Beliefs are more important for the most and the least religious groups. Specifically, beliefs on the importance of political issues and the role of morality in political actors' behaviour. In combination with secular beliefs, they lead to protest voting and absenteeism. The choice of the middle group is influenced by religious practices. The combination of religious and secular practices can turn political participation into a habit.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-4-85-97

Author Biography

Юлия Карпич / Juliya Karpich, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow)

Postgraduate student at the Graduate School in Political Science, Research Assistant


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How to Cite

Juliya Karpich Ю. К. /. (2020). THE INFLUENCE OF RELIGIOSITY ON THE POLITICAL CHOICE OF ORTHODOX BELIEVERS IN RUSSIA: THE CASE OF LIPETSK OBLAST. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(4), 85–97. Retrieved from