ethnicity, institutionalization, identity policy, regional community, national republics, discourse analysis, election campaign, governorsAbstract
The article presents the results of the research of the pre-election discourse of candidates for governors of national republics during the last elections from the perspective of the concept of the institutionalization of ethnicity in the identity policy. The aim of the article is to determine the form of institutionalization of ethnicity in the electoral dimension of identity policies implemented in the context of the election campaign of governors and considering the ethnic structure of the republics' population. The research method is a comparative discourse analysis. The empirical data used are media content, election programs, and campaign materials of candidates from their social media accounts. The dominant form of institutionalization of ethnicity is a «symbolic model» in which ethnicity is defined as a symbol of the republic’s uniqueness. Dependence between the choice of such form of institutionalization in pre-election discourse and specifics of the national composition of the republic’s population does not occur in all cases. One of the most common forms of institutionalization of ethnicity is «predominantly without ethnicity». However, the interim governors rarely chose this model.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-4-39-49References
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