

spatial development policy, geostrategic territory, promising economic specialization, economic growth center, macro-region, interregional difference, Russian Federation


By analyzing the “Strategy for the Spatial Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2025" the study aimed to verify the correspondence between the distribution of promising economic specializations by region, the location of promising centers of economic growth, the formation of macro-regions, and the prioritized position of geostrategic territories. To execute that the territory of Russia was divided into two zones. Based on the Strategy content, it was required to prove that the development of the first zone had a priority. The study’s theoretical basis was the concept of economic convergence. Based on a combination of promising specializations, their diversity, macro-regions, and the localization of growth centers four research hypotheses were formulated. A quantitative measure of interregional differences in the combination of promising specializations was proposed, an algorithm for combining neighboring regions into groups was developed, and corresponding calculations were carried out. As a result, all hypotheses were rejected as erroneous and four alternative hypotheses were accepted. The latter ones allowed the conclusion that there was no prioritized development for specific geostrategic regions. Therefore, the state policy of spatial development in the future will not lead to accelerated development of geostrategic territories and to the smoothing of inter-regional differences in Russia. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-4-27-38

Author Biography

Виктор Блануца / Viktor Blanutsa, V. B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Irkutsk)

Doctor of Geography, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Georesource Science and Political Geography


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How to Cite

Viktor Blanutsa В. Б. /. (2020). SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS FOR GEOSTRATEGIC TERRITORIES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(4), 27–38. Retrieved from