
  • Cedillo, Joel Ivan Gonzalez / Седилло Хоел Иван Гонсалес Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет


ideology, extremism, American white supremacism, racism, hate speech, Neo-Nazism, fascism, terrorism


This article analyzes the relation between ignorance and extremism, and the proposed process, which transforms the ignorance into hate speech the elite uses to achieve their political goals. This type of analysis continues to become more urgent as fascism and ethnonationalism gain popularity in Western societies and in their politics. The article analyzes the definitions of ideology and ideological consistency presented by several academics to understand how extremist ideologies manage to get individuals engaged, and to propose a definition of ideology and extremism. The analysis of manifestos written by two American white supremacist terrorists, who in 2019 murdered twenty-three people in the US are included to demonstrate the relation between the lack of legislation for protecting freedom of speech, ignorance, and the commission of violent deadly attacks on innocents. The conclusion exposes the necessity of legislation that protects freedom of speech and a healthy social coexistence, as well as education and critical thinking skills to avoid the emergence of Euro-American white supremacist extremism. This theoretical and documental research might be used by academics working on ideology and political extremism in Western countries, as well as by policymakers trying to understand the phenomenon of white supremacist extremism. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-4-5-13

Author Biography

Cedillo, Joel Ivan Gonzalez / Седилло Хоел Иван Гонсалес, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

исследователь / учитель-исследователь


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How to Cite

Седилло Хоел Иван Гонсалес C. J. I. G. /. (2020). FROM IDEOLOGY TO HATE SPEECH AND THE PROBLEM OF EURO-AMERICAN WHITE SUPREMACIST EXTREMISM. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(4), 5–13. Retrieved from