network, identity, networked identity, civic identity, movement, political participation, political processAbstract
The article covers the topic of the networked identity that is relevant in the context of the rapid informatization of society and politics. The author considers the display of network elements of political and identification processes during the specific political events taking place in France (the movement of "yellow vests"). The analysis shows at least 2 sustainable approaches to the study of networkization of modern political and identification processes. The first focuses on the emergence of a new type of identity (networked). The second emphasizes not the emergence of a new type of identity (networked), but rather the networkization of existing, established types of identities. The author chooses the case method as the main research method to fulfill the task set in the paper. The author chooses the case method as the main research method and identifies five attributes of the networked identity display during political events related to the movement of “yellow vests” in France: a variety of ideas (and identities) among the participants of the movement; a wide and changing (situational, related to fluctuations in the information agenda) set of requirements; structural de-hierarchization of the movement; the geographically dispersed locations of the protest activity and its longevity.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-3-96-106References
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