human rights, developing countries, universalism, cultural relativism, clash of civilizations, neoliberalism, developmentalism, inequalityAbstract
The article explores the diversity in perception of the human rights concept in developed and developing countries. The author determines that different approaches are formed around the dichotomy of positive and negative rights and are determined by three types of factors: cultural, economic and world politics. The concept of universality of human rights is considered from the perspective of civilizational studies. The analysis of alternative approaches involves the concept of weak cultural relativism and relative universalism. The specifics of the division of countries in accordance with their civilizational characteristics are shown on the example of the two international covenants on human rights and the functioning of two relevant UN committees.Based on the review of human rights approaches in several developing regions the thesis about their perception of human rights mainly as socio-economic and cultural guarantees was verified. This perception of the concept contradicts the mainstream universalist one, which perceives human rights primarily as political and civil rights. The author also evaluates the influence of the theory of global development by S. Kuznets and W. Rostow, which played a role in increasing inequality and influenced the state of socio-economic human rights that are historically and culturally significant for developing countries.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-3-53-63References
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