territorial constitution of Russia, unification of the regions of the Russian Federation, enlargement of the subjects of the Russian Federation, reform of federal relations, autonomous okrugsAbstract
The unification reforms of the 2000s, which led to the abolition of the six autonomous okrugs as subjects of the Russian Federation, to this day have not become the topic of an interdisciplinary and comprehensive study in the Russian humanitarian science. In our opinion the peer-reviewed book “Unification of the Regions of the Russian Federation: sociological data, in-depth interviews and comparative analysis” published in 2020 fills the above-mentioned gap. First of all, we should pay attention to the methodology of assessing the consequences of unification of the regions of the Russian Federation chosen by the authors, which consistently takes into account the institutional, electoral, socio-economic and ethnic aspects of the changes. The second advantage of the presented work is the extensive empirical material collected as part of expeditions to the former autonomous okrugs. The data from the publications in the mass media and the opinion polls collected in this book seem unique to us. Due to this fact, the authors managed to assess the advantages and disadvantages of unification reforms. It seems that the book under review will undoubtedly take its rightful place among the works devoted to the territorial constitution of Russia because it is prepared and published at that time in the development of Russian humanities when research on federal relations is experiencing a strong methodological crisis. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-2-136-141References
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