

territorial policy, decentralization, agglomerations, clusters, regional authorities, Russia, Tatarstan


Effective territorial policy is one of the ways to achieve the acceleration of economic growth. One of its instruments is the development of agglomerations. Several projects were elaborated in Moscow, in this regard, focusing on fostering the development of the agglomerations In Russia with the cities of over one million as their cores with the latter being the drivers of the national economy, creating added value by their intellectual and innovative potential. In this article, we argue that this policy might help to accelerate Russia’s economic growth, increasing its global competitiveness. However, this path is complex and fraught with considerable risks. The role of the central government does not guarantee success, while the role of local authorities is crucially important as they create certain framework conditions. The success of agglomerations as the drivers of competitive ability acceleration is not assured and inevitably leads to some wins and losses. Article analyzes the conditions for the success of agglomerations framed in clusters and the role of regional authorities in the development of the Tatarstan regional economy, where the agglomeration economy is currently developing. Republican authorities have taken the course on agglomeration development and it is determined not only by the goal of increasing the level of competitiveness but also by objective comparative advantages of Tatarstan. The key task of the new policy is the stimulation of the agglomeration economy. In the article, we show possibilities and constraints that regional authorities meet in the absence of an appropriate framework by the federal center. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-2-5-14

Author Biographies

Ирина Бусыгина / Irina Busygina, National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Saint Petersburg)

Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of Applied Political Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Director of the Center for Comparative Studies of Power and Governance

Лилия Сагитова / Liliya Sagitova, Sh. Marjani Institute of History Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher of the Department of Ethnological Research


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How to Cite

Irina Busygina И. Б. /, & Liliya Sagitova Л. С. /. (2020). AGGLOMERATIONS, CLUSTER POLICY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN RUSSIA (CASE OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN). Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(2), 5–14. Retrieved from