

China, PRC, international migration, global processes, migration policy, educational migration, UNDP


The rapid economic growth of China has influenced many aspects of the country’s political and social life, leading to the emergence of new trends in the country’s international migration, one of the most dynamic processes in the modern world. The aim of the article is to identify special characteristics and directions of migration of China. The article sets a goal to describe the directions of migration from- and to China, to analyze its dynamics, to reveal the defining features of China’s migration processes, for which the author has analyzed migration databases, in particular, statistics from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) of the past 30 years. The first part of the article is dedicated to the analysis of statistics. The second part identifies the features and development paths of migration in China based on previous data analysis and by comparing the data with current trends in the political, social and economic development of the PRC. The identified features include the annual growth in the number of migrants; the growing importance of migration from developing countries in the South-South direction; the policy to attract certain categories of migrants to the PRC (“brains” or “talents” category); the phenomenon of the Chinese diaspora, its influence on the directions of Chinese migration and its significance for the PRC and its foreign policy; the importance of Chinese domestic migration, which compensates for some important types of international migration i. e. labor migration; the dynamic development of educational migration and its importance as soft power for China. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-2-77-87

Author Biography

Арусяк Оганесян / Arusyak Oganesyan, RUDN University

Assistant at the Department of Comparative Political Science


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How to Cite

Arusyak Oganesyan А. О. /. (2020). PARTICIPATION OF THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN MODERN MIGRATION PROCESSES: PARTICULAR QUALITIES AND MAIN DIRECTIONS. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(2), 77–87. Retrieved from