

Russia, Kazakhstan, humanitarian cooperation, exchanges, art


Cultural exchange is one of the essential components of humanitarian cooperation in international relations. This paper analyses the development of cultural exchange between the Russian Federation and its neighbor the Republic of Kazakhstan throughout the last decade. This research aims to define the key aspects of bilateral ties, their dynamics, the factors and issues of cooperation. The authors consequently study the diplomatic agreements between Russia and Kazakhstan regarding cultural exchange, analyzing the results of an art expert survey from both countries. The questions of the survey covered the representation of a partner country in the cultural environment of an expert’s country, the public demand for it, and the perspectives of cooperation. Besides interviews, the primary sources include diplomatic documents, media news archives, and newsletters of non-governmental organizations. The main conclusions of the research state the key aspects of bilateral cooperation as guest performances, exhibitions, joint cultural and education projects, support of Russophone art activities in Kazakhstan, and holidays-related and memorial events. The dynamics of cooperation demonstrate constant growth and introduction of new activities. The public demand in the cultural environment of both countries for each other’s art representation has already constituted. However, there are several issues like poor media coverage, the emphasis on central and border regions (in spite of the growing interest in the rest of the regions), the lack of local events while favoring the major ones, with the latter organized to a great extent by the Russian and Kazakh diplomatic missions and Rossotrudnichestvo. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-2-64-76

Author Biographies

Ксения Муратшина / Ksenia Muratshina, Ural Federal University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations

Елена Шукушева / Elena Shukusheva, Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsouz

Director of the Center for International Programs, Projects and Academic Mobility


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How to Cite

Ksenia Muratshina К. М. /, & Elena Shukusheva Е. Ш. /. (2020). RUSSIA – KAZAKHSTAN CULTURAL EXCHANGE AS AN AREA OF BILATERAL HUMANITARIAN COOPERATION. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(2), 64–76. Retrieved from