

public policy, participation constituents of public policy, political participation, civil practices, political competence, human potential, civil society


The article reviews the formation factors and development process of a participative trend in public policy. It was proved based on the analysis of the results of cross-national, national, and regional socio-political research that along with the objective determinants, which specify the quality of political management, the subjective actor-oriented criteria are becoming more important, thus actualizing the issues of involving citizens in the political process and providing participative constituents of the public policy. However, there might be such consequences of participatory policy as an increase in conflicts of socio-political relations and the domination of a centrifugal way of political participation space development. These risks are characteristic of many European states, including Russia, where the situation is under the influence of the incomplete and inconsistent process of establishment of civil society. The intensification of citizens’ self-organization process, which is based on an increase of their political competence, is offered as one of the ways of public policy optimization. It will enable the interrelation of micro- and macro levels of functioning of a socio-political system, the existence and effectiveness of which are decisively determined by the development of a civil institutional environment. To solve this issue a basic model of political competence development is offered. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-2-40-52

Author Biography

Анастасия Лаврикова / Anastasiya Lavrikova, Tula State University

Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Political Science


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How to Cite

Anastasiya Lavrikova А. Л. /. (2020). PARTICIPATIVE TREND IN PUBLIC POLICY: IMPLEMENTATION FACTORS. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(2), 40–52. Retrieved from