universal regional encyclopedia, constituent entity of the Russian Federation, political function of ency-clopedias, official historical narrativeAbstract
The paper studies universal regional encyclopedias as image-building political projects. During the post-Soviet period, there have been implemented 52 such projects in 50 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The paper identifies three basic scenarios of the regional authorities’ participation in preparing and publishing encyclopedias that deal with the subjects of the Russian Federation: a scenario of involvement and control, a scenario of moral and / or material (full or partial) support and a scenario of detachment. The first scenario is characteristic, first of all, of national republics. Encyclopedias prepared and published with the immediate participation of regional authorities offer an official post-Soviet historical narrative of the constituent entity. Historical articles in encyclopedias of neighboring regions may contain opposing assessments of the same processes and events of the past. The paper reveals a significant reduction in the number of completed projects after 2011. The reasons for the downward dynamic include high costs, non-obviousness of the projects’ effectiveness in promoting regional interests, as well as the reducing average age of regional leaders. Printed encyclopedias with their claim to the role of primary sources are a product of the receding modernity, while universal regional Internet encyclopedias offering free content and implemented on the wiki principles, logically fit into the upcoming postmodernity. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-2-27-39References
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