

terrorism, domestic terrorism, international terrorism, frequency of terrorist attacks, political regime, democracy, authoritarianism


Despite the political importance of the topic there is no common view what terrorism is. Nevertheless researchers ask why some countries are more terrorized than the others? Some argue that democracy is less prone to terrorism because it provides a huge variety of peaceful ways to implement one’s political interest while the others insist that dictatorships suffer from terrorist attacks less frequently thanks to the opportunity to violate citizens’ rights. The study shows that both points of view can be proved and refuted depending on the way we measure the political regime. Regression model based on the “Freedom House” data confirms that democracies suffer from terrorism less often, while the model based on the “Polity IV” data refutes it. To clarify these controversial results we compare the counterterrorist strategies of France and Russia. The comparison shows that democracy is able to reduce domestic terrorism, but it still suffers from international one. At the same time an authoritarian regime suffers generally from domestic attacks and it is also unable to eliminate the threat of international terrorism.  DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2018-4-140-152

Author Biography

Iulia Mekhonoshina / Юлия Мехоношина, Perm State University

Мaster in International relations, assistant lecture of political science department


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How to Cite

Юлия Мехоношина I. M. /. (2019). FREQUENCY OF SUFFERING: WHAT TYPE OF POLITICAL REGIME IS MORE PRONE TO TERRORISM. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 12(4), 140–152. Retrieved from