ethno-political processes, heterogeneity, localization, GIS, geo-referenced dataAbstract
The politicization of ethnic differences has many manifestations – from ethnic power-sharing to secessionist conflicts, and it is a research challenge to explain the factors underlying it. As a rule, scholars focus on the ethnic heterogeneity of society, measurement of which is based on a variety of metrics concerning the population of ethnic groups. However, measurement of ethnic heterogeneity requires taking into account not only the population but also the territorial localization of ethnic differences, since the territory can simultaneously be of symbolic, economic or some other value for ethnic groups and facilitate or complicate their interactions. Based on studies of ethno-political conflicts and spatial indicators of ethnic heterogeneity, the paper develops a new approach to taking into account the variability of localization of ethnic groups. With the use of GIS-techniques, four indicators of spatial localization are presented: the format of ethnic groups’ localization relative to each other, their configuration, size, and congruence of ethnic and political-administrative borders. These tools provide researchers with new possibilities for the study of ethno-political processes. At the same time, they have certain limitations due to some problems in the existing datasets. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-1-116-126References
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