innovation infrastructure, digitalization, public policy, metropolis, administrative reform, public opinion, clusterAbstract
The article aims to analyze the mechanisms of improving modern regional innovation policy. It is based on the formation and functioning of innovative industrial clusters, whose main purpose is to ensure close cooperation between industrial enterprises and research centers. This strategy contributes to the development of regions and attracting investment, and is of particular importance for the evolution of Russian megacities. The academic novelty of the study is in viewing regional innovation policy as a significant resource for public policy management. In the context of the current stage of the administrative reform and its requirements (publicity of in assessing the activities of government bodies, project management, innovative development, etc.), public awareness of the activities of innovation infrastructure objects increases the level of public trust in both innovative projects and the authorities that initiate them. At the same time, poor marketing of innovations leads to significant communicational problems. Saint Petersburg was among the first cities to develop and popularize innovative infrastructure and innovative products. To expose the process of forming public opinion, the authors conducted a SWOT analysis and a study of the innovation infrastructure of the metropolis. It is concluded that competent positioning and promotion of regional innovation structure objects on the Internet, in social media is a significant factor in increasing the efficiency of metropolis management through building long-term partnerships with citizens and business structures.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-1-88-96References
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