

election, mixed-member electoral system, State Duma, contamination, split voting, incumbents, Russia


The article studies interaction effects in the election to the State Duma of the 7th convocation: 1) the influence of personal voting (in terms of incumbency, electoral experience and popularity of candidates) and extensive nomination of candidates in single-member districts (SMD) on the PR-tier results; 2) ‘necessary’ split-voting caused by the absence of the candidate from the favorite party in a SMD. The analysis has revealed that personal characteristics of candidates such as incumbency and electoral experience are only relevant in the case of A Just Russia. However, regarding non-parliamentary parties, it has been revealed that the strategy ‘to nominee as many candidates as possible’ has a positive effect on the list results. The analysis also demonstrates that the ‘necessary’ split-voting is determined by the ‘authorities – (non-systemic) opposition’ cleavage, when United Russia, on the one hand, and Civic Platform and PARNAS, on the other hand, receive these split tickets. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-1-18-28

Author Biography

Юрий Гайворонский / Yurii Guyvoronskiy, National Research University Higher School of Economics

associate Professor, Department of Politics and Management


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How to Cite

Yurii Guyvoronskiy Ю. Г. /. (2020). INTERACTION EFFECTS IN MIXED-MEMBER ELECTORAL SYSTEMS: EVIDENCE FROM RUSSIA’S FEDERAL PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(1), 18–28. Retrieved from