
  • Сергей Артеев / Sergei Arteev Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences MGIMO University


transnational political spaces, identity, ethnicity, Finno-Ugric World, ethnic world, identitary profile


The paper is devoted to the problem of transnational political spaces in the context of ethnic identity. The purpose of the article is to consider the agency of the transnational political space in the context of ethnicity through the example of the Finno-Ugric world. The author presents an overview of the main theoretical approaches to the issue of political spaces, proposes a typology of international political spaces and a model of identitary profile of political space. An identitary profile is an analytical model that reflects a unique set of parameters of the international political space that significantly affect its functioning.  As part of developing such a profile, ten key parameters can be identified. Any parameter can take one of two values.  By defining the parameter values, we establish characteristics which make it possible to identify the features of agency of the international political space. The identitary profile model is a flexible analytical tool, and it can obviously be supplemented and refined as tested. The author concludes that the configuration of the transnational Finno-Ugric political space is asymmetric and complex in terms of the composition of its subjects. This weakens its agency and complicates the search for optimal models of solving existing ethnic difficulties. At the same time, the factor of ethnic identity acts as the bearing axis of the transnational Finno-Ugric political space. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2020-1-5-17

Author Biography

Сергей Артеев / Sergei Arteev, Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences MGIMO University



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How to Cite

Sergei Arteev С. А. /. (2020). TRANSNATIONAL POLITICAL SPACES: THE PROBLEM OF POLITICAL AGENCY. THE FINNO-UGRIC WORLD. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 14(1), 5–17. Retrieved from