

human rights, human rights institutes, Russia, human rights theory


The paper analyzes two aspects connected with the development of respect for human rights: the process of promoting human rights in contemporary Russia and academic discussions on the idea of their universality. Based on the first approach, the author analyzes changes in the attitude of the Russian government and society to the conception of human rights, including the evolution of human rights education and the development of such a national institute of human rights as the Ombudsman institution. The paper demonstrates a noticeable shift from civic education based on human rights priorities to the patriotic training of a citizen loyal to any activities of officials. The efforts of NGOs are in opposition to this trend, but NGOs themselves need protection. Accordingly, the interest of Russian political scholars in human rights issues is diminishing. A brief analysis of academic discussions demonstrates growing doubts about the universality of the conception of human rights in Russian publications and the absence of such doubts in international publications. There is gradually developing a new self-sustained field of research in human rights, less connected with jurisprudence, political science, sociology, etc., which may result in the ‘tension of notions’ described by Giovanni Sartori. The development of such an interdisciplinary scientific field as political science of law or jurisprudence political science is proposed as an answer to this dangerous trend. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-3-44-53

Author Biography

Александр Сунгуров / Aleksandr Sungurov, National Research University Higher School of Economics – St.Petersburg

Professor, Department of Applied Political Science


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How to Cite

Aleksandr Sungurov А. С. /. (2019). HUMAN RIGHTS CONCEPTION: PROMOTION IN RUSSIA AND ACADEMIC DISCUSSIONS. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 13(3), 44–53. Retrieved from