foreign policy of Russia, military cooperation, military-political cooperation, military-technical cooperation, USA, Midde East, Persian GulfAbstract
Military cooperation plays an important role in Russia’s foreign policy, so countries involved in this interaction are of interest for researchers. The countries of the Middle East require particular attention asthere is an active cooperation between this region and the United States. The latter has sought to expand military cooperation since the early 2000s. The region and the fight for influence and cooperation with it have been important for Russia and the United States for many decades. In this research, the author suggests that in the 21st century military cooperation between the United States and the Middle East affects the dynamics and content of Russia's military cooperation with the countries of this region. The events of the second half of the 20th century and the international cooperation that had developed contributed to the formation of the factors of US-Israeli and US-Iraqi military cooperation. These factors determine not only US military cooperation with the countries of the Middle East but also the dynamics and content of military cooperation between Russia and the countries of the region. Military cooperation includes two major areas such as military-political and military-technical cooperation. As a result of analyzing the cooperation between Russia and the countries of the Middle East, as well as between the United States and the countries, there have been identified the countries with which both military-political and military-technical cooperation has been developed, and those with which only military-technical cooperation takes place. It appears that military cooperation between the United States and these countries includes both areas, and the intensity of this cooperation is significantly higher. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-3-25-35References
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