division of the Korean Peninsula, unification of the Korean Peninsula, Northeast Asia, impact of the unification on Russia, impact of the unification on China, standpoint of Russia, standpoint of ChinaAbstract
Due to its geography and strategic status, the Korean Peninsula plays an important role in the landscape of Northeast Asia. The problem of a half-century division and unification of the peninsula attracts attention of the countries of Northeast Asia and international forces. Because of the internal affairs and the strategic geographical position of each country, there is a difference of opinions on the unification of the Korean Peninsula. China and Russia are important driving forces to promote the peaceful unification and achievement of peace and development in the Northeast Asia region. The unification will have a significant impact on China, Russia and the entire region. The author analyzes the importance of the strategic position of the Korean Peninsula and the process of its division based on the historical comparative analysis. The paper also considers the effects of the unification of the Korean Peninsula on China and Russia, the same and different positions of China and Russia regarding the unification and presents their views on promoting peace on the Korean Peninsula and stability in Northeast Asia. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-3-17-24References
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